Wednesday 9 October 2013

Trailer Analysis

Trailer Analysis 

Tropic Thunder:

The trailer starts with a shot of 3 helicopters flying above the jungle landscape. This opening suggests that the film will involve violence, war and action.

A number of striking of words flash across the screen to continue with the connotation of a serious war film. The word 'heroes' in particular suggests that the film will involve bravery and a deep and engaging storyline that plays on the audiences emotion. 

The trailer then takes an interesting turn when the word 'actors' come onto the screen with an arrow pointing at all 3 people on screen. This makes the trailer makes very interesting and gets the audiences attention through confusion.

The trailer then takes another twist and turns into what is obviously a comedy trailer. A number of controversial and witty sequences are shown which are taken directly from the film itself.

The trailer then finishes with a bright and vibrant title presenting the name of the film. 

   Overall I think the trailer does an excellent Job of        drawing the audience in and giving the film as much    appeal as possible. The start is very serious and  gradual which I think goes very well with the rest of  the trailer; once the trailer takes a comedic turn it  builds on what the trailer has already done and uses  funny part from the film to engage and entertain the  audience. As I have seen the finished film I can say  that I feel the trailer is a good representation of the film  and leaves no ambiguity about the meaning and
 the subject of the film.

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